يمكننا العودة إلى هيغل ، للمساهمة في التأسيس لنظرية عقلانية للحق ، فهو يردّ العقاب إلى القانون وليس إلى الضحية ، (..) فلأن المجرم كائن عقلاني فهو يُعاقب . لكن ماذا يعني أن يُعاني كائن عقلاني بطريقة مشروعة ؟ ففي عجز الإجابات ...
Successful performers of political discourse whether they are politicians or journalists are often able to redefine issues and events when existing definitions are no longer advancing their cause. This process of framing ...
The Intellectual semantic of the Innovative Symbol According to the Concept of the Semiotics Theory in Consideration of the Visual Connection Theory. Research Introduction The symbols semantic diverse as a result of places ...
This article focuses on a core linguistic issue that is the verbal polysemy. It offers a practical approach that uses western researches about three verbs: to cut, to play and to begin. The theoretical frame of this study ...
effect on the verbal language. To the best of our knowledge no previous study has been attempted to discover the influence of body language on Arabic syntax rules nor applied on selected subjects in Arabic syntax. The ...
المقالة أو المحاضرة هي جزءٌ من كتاب يحمل عنوان "فنّ الشّعر" للراحل الأرجنتيني الكبير خورخي لويس بورخيس، الذي انتهينا من ترجمته، وسبق لنا أن نشرنا واحدة من محاضراته القيمة وتحمل عنوان "المجاز"، والمجموع هو عبارة عن محاضرات ...
I have chosen the subject of the role of women in Bahraini society, inspired by, among other things, the motive of the effective presence for the period that has been selected for monitoring. The Bahraini reality has forced ...
research is an inquiry into the effects of social support and coping processes on psychological distress in response to stressful work and life events amongst social workers who work with children in schools in Kuwait. A ...
This study aims at describing and analyzing attitudes of public relations practitioners in the Bahraini institutions towards the using of the Internet as a communication tool. The study adopts Grunig models and dialogue ...
Recently, in Second Language Acquisition (SLA), much attention has been focused on cognitive mechanisms that underpin learners’ performance in tasks with various constraints. The present study focuses on “attention” and ...
This paper concentrates on three main issues: First, it shows that there is a great contrasting between the Biblical traditions and the archaeological evidence in terms of the beginning of settlement in Adom, Southern ...
Based on the call for narrowing the gap between Islamic sects and doctrine for the sake of unity of Islamic nation, and the results for failing to achieve these gods in the first part. In the second part, scientific reasons ...
This paper presents some general guidelines about the concept of reception in the literary and critical Arabic tradition. Its basic premise stems from the writers and critics awareness of the importance of the receptive ...
The following is an attempt to view the various aspects of Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game, particularly the structural and thematic ones. Apart from illuminating the problematics related to the novel, its author and the ...
This Article deals with the problem of media education in the field of television studies in Arab and this study aimed at providing a vision about the criminal implications of the live broadcast from the perspective that ...
تمثِّل الاستعارات، وفقاً لجون سيرل، فئة من التعبيرات اللغوية التي تقول شيئاً وتعني شيئاً آخر . وهي في هذا تشبه ، كما يذكر ، حالات المفارقة irony و أفعال الكلام غير المباشر indirect speech acts . والسمة المميزة لكل مثل هذه ...
This Article deals with the problem of media education in the field of television studies in Arab mass-communication departments. Furthermore, it focuses on the necessity of re-considering the methods of teaching TV on ...
This paper attempts to shed some light on the nature of translation and its role in learning languages and enhancing international cultural dialogue. It begins with a general historical background which aims to show Arab ...
نهائي يتجلى في عملية تدمير الشكل الأدبي ولا سيما أن رواية ما بعد الحداثة عادت نحو السطرية التي دمرتها رواية تيار الوعي عند جيمس جويس، وفرجينيا وولف، ووليم فوكنر، والرواية الجديدة كما هي في أعمال ألان روب غريية، وكلود سيمون، ...
انطلق الباحث في دراسته "المقامة والتلقي" راصدا لأشكال الدرس الذي تعرض له نص المقامة منذ طرحه سؤالا نهضويا إلى لحظاتنا الآتية مستلهما في ذلك نموذج ياوس حول التلقي. فإلى أي حد استطاع الكاتب أن يتعمق في رصد خصائص الكتابة عند ...