Bahrain Polytechnic was established in 2008 (by Royal Decree No. 65 for the year 2008, Bahrain Polytechnic website) to supply the Bahraini economy with competent work-ready and enterprising Bahraini labour force to support the economic growth and diversification. Industries and international education institutions are consulted in designing and applying the methodology in all programmes which include Problem Based Learning and computer literacy. The development of computer literacy plays an important role in the learning process of undergraduate students in their foundation (orientation) year at the polytechnic. In order to effectively engage learners and enhance their computational skills, educators are required to explore motivational and constructive teaching methodologies that are prevalent with modern technology. This paper presents three case-studies examining the level of Bahraini learners’ Information Technology in their foundation (orientation) year at Bahrain Polytechnic. The study explored the impact of Kahoot as a gamification or online game-based tool on learners’ achievement and proficiency levels over four academic semesters. The intervention applied to improve learners’ computational skills included a significant online game-based component. Students’ academic achievement levels were investigated to identify the effectiveness of online game-based platforms in teaching Information Technology courses.