Study attempted to explore effect of Individualism, Collectivism, and
Values on Creative personality traits, and used Partial Least Squares PLS
analysis to arrive at a model explains greatest degree of covariance between
independent variables: Individualism & collectivism, values: )Power,
Achievement, Hedonism, Stimulation, Self-Direction, Universalism,
Benevolence, Tradition, Conformity, Security and Spiritually(, and dependent
variable )Creative personality traits(, and the model revealed ten factors, the
first factor was optimal as it was able to explain 28% of the data had an R value
of 0.53, Goodness of fit (R2) was 28%, and Prediction Ability (Q2) was 20%.
The variables most influential and highest contributing to creative personality
traits were Stimulation, Spirituality, and Universalism, Tradition, and Selfdirection,
variables of Collectivism, Individualism, Power, and Achievement
were the least influential and contributing to the model. The study explored
differences and similarities between four samples from various Arab cultures
)Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Egypt(, as well as between males and
females by performing Enhanced Discriminant Analysis PLS-EDA with
rotation of the axes to match factors, using Multibase Excel program, which is
useful in maximizing the separation between categories, and extracting main
variables that contribute to separation between categories by Projection to
Latent Structures, as well as one-way analysis of variance )ANOVA(, and
t test were conducted with Post-hoc Test to monitor differences between
samples. Distinguishing variables between samples were discussed, as well
as coefficients of differences in the context of cultural diversity and societal