University of Bahrain
Scientific Journals

Adjusted Simultaneous Importance Performance Analysis in E-government Implementation

Show simple item record Wahyuningrum, Tenia Hamdani, Hamdani Heriyanto, Heriyanto 2023-05-05T11:40:24Z 2023-05-05T11:40:24Z 2023-05-05
dc.identifier.issn 2210-142X
dc.description.abstract The Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method helps managers to make decisions, but the service performance attributes of other institutions are often not considered. One method to focus on the competitor's position to plan a management strategy is Simultaneous IPA (SIPA). The traditional SIPA does not consider item weights between criteria, so the criteria for the most significant improvement often cannot be seen. Therefore, the adjusted SIPA calculates the weight of each indicator multiplied by performance and importance score to gain the perfect result. Based on the results, the adjusted SIPA model has been implemented on E-government problems in Indonesia. The importance of quadrant II requires local governments to improve the existing problems. Performance matrix items are neglected opportunities and competitive disadvantages. In the first quadrant, the importance and performance of both local governments are equally high, but it needs to maintain its performance in direct competition. The low priority quadrant III position has no opportunity and is full of false alarms. According to the experimental results, the item in the second quadrant is the part that the Meranti Islands Regency needs to improve mainly in the service domain, Q32-Q39, Q46, Q47, especially in the governance domain (Q13). These items are considerably harder than those of high importance but with low power. The gap analysis results show that the central government's rating score is lower than the self-assessment rate. This phenomenon indicates that expectations are higher than performance, and governments need to improve performance to match their value with profits. The gap analysis results between the two districts show that the gap between the two municipalities is negative overall and that the Meranti Island needs to improve all aspects of the E-government maturity assessment. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Bahrain en_US
dc.subject Importance Performance Analysis; Gap Analysis; E-government; Electronic-Based Government en_US
dc.title Adjusted Simultaneous Importance Performance Analysis in E-government Implementation en_US
dc.volume 14 en_US
dc.issue 1 en_US
dc.pagestart 1 en_US
dc.pageend 1 en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Indonesia en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Universitas Mulawarman en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta en_US
dc.source.title International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems en_US
dc.abbreviatedsourcetitle IJCDS en_US

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