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  • Sultan, Sabbar (2012)
    The following is an attempt to view the various aspects of Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game, particularly the structural and thematic ones. Apart from illuminating the problematics related to the novel, its author and the ...
  • El-dali, Hosni Mostafa (2012)
    Recently, in Second Language Acquisition (SLA), much attention has been focused on cognitive mechanisms that underpin learners’ performance in tasks with various constraints. The present study focuses on “attention” and ...
  • Al-Jabr, Abdul-Fattah (2012)
    This paper attempts to shed some light on the nature of translation and its role in learning languages and enhancing international cultural dialogue. It begins with a general historical background which aims to show Arab ...
  • Al-Wahhabi, Abdulrahman bin Mohammed (2012)
    Studying Arabic fiction by Arab Jewish writers is not taken into account by contemporary Arab critics; thus, this article aims to provide a better understanding of the features of this kind of fiction written by those ...
  • al-Naimi, Haya Ali (2012)
    I have chosen the subject of the role of women in Bahraini society, inspired by, among other things, the motive of the effective presence for the period that has been selected for monitoring. The Bahraini reality has forced ...
  • Odeh, Akram (2012)
    The flourishing of the industry of tourism and travel has led to the creation of a special discourse, which posses technical terminologies and specialized expressions . This study sheds light on the «socioterminology» of ...
  • Habasha, Saber (2012)
    This article focuses on a core linguistic issue that is the verbal polysemy. It offers a practical approach that uses western researches about three verbs: to cut, to play and to begin. The theoretical frame of this study ...
  • حلمي، حسن (2012)
    تقارب هذه الورقة ديوان ’’هبَّة الفراغ‘‘الصادر(1992) لمحمد بنيس وهو الديوان الذي يتوسط ديوانيه: ’’ورقة البهاء‘‘ الصادر(1988) و’’كتاب الحب‘‘ الصادر في(1995) في الأعمال الشعرية، الجزء الثاني، الصادر في (بيروت، 2002). وهي - ...
  • النعمان، طارق (2012)
    تمثِّل الاستعارات، وفقاً لجون سيرل، فئة من التعبيرات اللغوية التي تقول شيئاً وتعني شيئاً آخر . وهي في هذا تشبه ، كما يذكر ، حالات المفارقة irony و أفعال الكلام غير المباشر indirect speech acts . والسمة المميزة لكل مثل هذه ...
  • الورداني، عماد (2012)
    انطلق الباحث في دراسته "المقامة والتلقي" راصدا لأشكال الدرس الذي تعرض له نص المقامة منذ طرحه سؤالا نهضويا إلى لحظاتنا الآتية مستلهما في ذلك نموذج ياوس حول التلقي. فإلى أي حد استطاع الكاتب أن يتعمق في رصد خصائص الكتابة عند ...

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